Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Fab New Baby Blog

Let me start out this blog by saying that it's fabulous. I think we can all agree that the header is awesome. I can say that without hesitation because I had nothing to do with making it that cool. I was smart enough to ask my good friend Jenny to help me design the blog. And by help, I mean design it all by herself because she's much better at it than most people. She's a little obsessed with me eventually being humongous, so that's where the header idea came from. Thanks for the design, Jenny!

I'm sure some of you follow a baby blog or two, so I hope you will have fun keeping up with our adventure. The baby is due June 23rd and even as I type that, I find it still hard to believe. We are really excited and can't wait for our little summer baby to arrive. Until then, stay tuned. I'll update as often as possible. My goal is for a weekly update, but we'll see how that goes. I'm going to try to get Brant to make a few posts, so you should definitely be looking forward to those!!


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to watch the HUGENESS progress!! :0)

Chris said...

As the soon to be uncle and having grown up with Kari, I feel I should warn Brant of a few things..

First, when Kari was a child she hated animals.. well she didn't hate them, but she like to put them through small "trials".. throw the cat in the air to see if they really do land on their feet, throw a blanket over the dog and point and laugh as it tried to find light, putting something on the dogs paws just to see it "high step"..

Yes, I know what you're thinking.. why didn't you tell me this before pregnancy.. well, the answer to that is you would have run far far away, and we can't have that. So when/if she attempts or mentions any sort of "trial" or "obstacle", be advised. Our animals were never the same.

Second, I'm no baby expert by any stretch, but I do know that they poop. They don't go to a toilet, they just poop where they sit. I tell you this Brant because Kari has some sort of gag reflex when any sort of feces is within a 100 yard radius. I would advise some sort of oxygen mask to guard against this. You'll know when the gag reflex hits because she sounds like she herself just threw up 3 or 4 times..

Finally, as I'm sure you've figured out by living with her, sometimes Kari naps. You may even call it a hobby of hers. I say hobby because it doesn't matter where she is at the time of the nap. Couch, car, floor, outside, inside, you name it and she'll find a place to sleep if you give her any 30 minute time span with nothing to do. So, as maternity leave is upon her, you may want to give the house a call about 15 - 20 times a day just to make sure she is awake and not going into labor or anything..

I hope these guidelines are somewhat helpful, and in all seriousness good luck and let us know anything we can do.

P.S.: per our phone conversation the other day Kari, please never ever say the words stretch marks to me again, okay, I almost lost my lunch. :)

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Colorado! On behalf of your old colleagues I wish you a happy, healthy, fun pregnancy, and an amazing birth experience.

This blog is great because the pregnancy will be over in the blink of an eye and this will help you record everything.

Don't worry about getting huge, you were soooo skinny when you left here, a little weight will do ya some good, keep you warm this winter!

Kari said...

Leave it to my brother to share my secrets with the blogging world. Thanks for the laughs! And yes folks, everything he said is pretty accurate. Except the animals part. I LOVE animals. I was just a curious kid!

Anonymous said...

Kari, honey, it's true, you can nap anywhere, anytime and you do have a have quite the exaggerated gag reflex! You and Brant are in for a wild and wonderful ride!!! Your dad and i can't wait!!!!

Jenny Jackson said...

I'm so glad you're gonna be a baby blogger. I don't get to see you anywhere near as much as I'd like, so post plenty of pics!