Monday, August 27, 2012

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

McKenzie has a... fascination with mannequins.  For that reason, Old Navy is a particularly dangerous place for us to go.  The ONLY reason we got away with taking pictures with just two of their mannequins is because I promised her she could use my phone in the car if we left.  I took these pictures not because I thought she was being cute, but because she demanded that I take them.  We say this a lot around here: she is a nut!

This little girl was her favorite.  Notice the hand holding.

I think she's digging the polka dots on Ginger.

Afterwards, she asked what happened to this lady's head. Ummm...

Speaking of demanding pictures, she made Brant take her picture while she sat on a rock outside of Buffalo Wild Wings.  She then took a picture of her cup, because why wouldn't you take a picture of your cup?  A rather artistic shot if you ask me.