Friday, June 17, 2011

Social Bug

These past few weeks have been so fun to watch as McKenzie has turned into a super social little girl.  Just a few instances:
-She kept walking up and saying hi to a little girl in Wal-Mart.
-She sat in my neighbors lap in our driveway.  We talk to this neighbor every now and then, but I was completely surprised when McKenzie walked over and just plopped down in her lap.
-She runs up, hugs and screams "Telly!" whenever my friend Kelly comes around.  This isn't too surprising because we are with Kelly a lot, but it is a valid example.
-She walked over and sat in my friend Jennifer's lap last week at the park and was content to just be held by someone other than me.
-She had to go to a new room with new caregivers at church last Sunday and she didn't blink an eye.
-The last two weeks that I kept Lucy, she ran up and wanted Jill to pick her up when she came in to get Lucy.
-She wanted to hold Lucy and give her a bottle!
-She actually played with a few kids in her tumble class.
-And just this morning, she said hi and by to almost everyone that walked in the door at Shipley's.

I don't know why but it's just really fun to watch her interact with people without me pushing her into it. As a shy person myself, it's cool to see her reach out and say hello to random people with no hesitation.  But it's also interesting to see how she is like me in certain instances.  When there is a larger crowd, she tends to hang back and see how things are going before jumping in and socializing.  She's becoming her own little person and that's just neat to watch.

1 comment:

LaLa said...

I too am so enjoying watching McKenzie turn into her own little person! The way she lights up when sees me thrills my heart behind measure! I can't believe she still had the clippy in her hair from my house this morning!