Tuesday, January 4, 2011


McKenzie wants to talk.  No wait, McKenzie talks.  All the time.  Just not in English.  She has several words that we understand, but so many more that we don't.  One word that she's been using the last few days is "oh."  It's funny because we know that she understands what we are saying to her.

Where's Bailey?
McKenzie: BaaaBaaa!  BaaaBaaa! (calling for Bailey)
Brant:  Bailey went outside.
McKenzie: Oh.

The cuteness of it probably doesn't translate, but it's really adorable.  

I haven't taken the time to write down all of her words, so I'll do that now:
NO! (her personal favorite)
Dada (probably her second favorite)
Meemee (Mickey Mouse)
Elmo (that one is perfectly clear!)
ba (bottle)
nana (banana)
this (and points to what she wants)
nite nite

I'm sure I'm leaving a few out, and there are several more sounds she makes for certain things, but I can't bring myself to classify those as words just yet.  She loves trying to repeat words that people say to her, and I guess she's just storing those away until she's ready to speak English.
Who needs words when you're this cute?


LaLa said...

I agree - words just get in the way of the cuteness! You did leave out one major word - Mo Mo!

Kari said...

Yes, definitely Mo Mo, as well as Lucy and baby. Seems like she learns a new one every few days!

Jenny Jackson said...

I can't wait to hear some words from her!