Friday, September 10, 2010


As of yesterday, I officially entered parenthood. How do I know? Because my solid food eating child got sick and threw up all over me. Gross, I know. Rite of passage into parenthood? I think so. Although, my wise friend Jennifer said it's the cleaning up that's the worst. And you know what? She's right. In the moment, I was too concerned about McKenzie to worry about the grossness that was all over me. After everything had settled down, the clean up came and that was probably the least fun thing I've done in quite some time.

So everyone, no recent pictures today. Sorry! McKenzie fell asleep on the floor after being sick and she looked really cute, but I didn't dare risk waking her for a picture. She doesn't seem 100% this morning, but she does seem better. Here is a picture from a few weeks ago during much happier times!

1 comment:

Elaine Welte said...

That's the worst! Make sure you get a good carpet cleaner- you'll need it for vomit and potty training!