Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Place

This blog is primarily to share pictures and stories about McKenzie. However, now that I'm staying at home, I want to expand it just a little bit to include things that are on my mind. So, I'm going to steal an idea from my friend, Jenny, and start a new series: Happy Place. The idea is to share things that make me happy. Could be products, could be TV shows, could be something Brant did, but don't count on that. Also, don't count on any regularity for this series as my happy place thoughts strike randomly. I just wrote a long post espousing the benefits of each product and guess what? It was boring! So, I'll be brief in my Happy Place posts, telling you why each thing makes me happy as concisely as possible.

The first edition of Happy Place is all about cleaning, because I seem to do a lot of that these days.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bathroom Scrubber:

Removes soap scum so I don't feel like that person who cleans their bathroom about once a month. And I'm being generous when I say monthly.

Method Detergent:

Small packaging takes up less space in my laundry room.

The pump dispenser means I no longer have to clean up blue drops of detergent, although the Magic Eraser worked wonders for that!

Method Surface Cleaner (Cucumber):

It's non-toxic, so while I won't be offering it to McKenzie in a sippy cup, I won't freak if she gets a hold of it one day and sprays a few drops.

It smells fantastic!

Rubbermaid Reveal:

The scrubber is effective and washable.

I can use any cleaning solution in the bottle.

It's the one product that inspired me to mop my hardwood floors. I haven't done that since we moved in to that house.

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