Friday, September 3, 2010

Cranky Pants

On Thursday morning, McKenzie woke up on the wrong side of the crib! There is no other way to describe it. She woke up around 6:45, a little earlier than usual. She needed to go back to bed immediately, but of course that didn't happen. Instead, she piddled around the house getting crankier by the minute. So despite how cute she may look in the pictures, I can assure you that her Oscar the Grouch shirt was quite fitting for the day. In her defense, we've all had those days when you wake up and you're just plain cranky. Brant can certainly attest to that fact about me!


LaLa said...

I think you are telling stories on her - she looks pretty fun to me!

Erin said...

Grouch or no grouch, I love that 2nd picture of her smiling! I hope she's feeling better!