Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Little Break

Yesterday, we finally had a break in the heat.  So for the first time in a while, we headed out to play in the back yard.  McKenzie had fun swinging on her own.  And I had fun taking a few pictures and relaxing outside.  With baby #2 inching closer each day, I'm really starting to realize how precious this time is with McKenzie.  I just hope it stays cool (and by cool, I mean not 100 degrees, which doesn't seem to be asking a lot) so that we can continue to get outside and have fun.

Love those little curls!

She never fell out of the swing!

Whistling on her way to see Daddy!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Yea for baby #2! I bet Mckenzie will be a great big sister :)