Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bathroom Talk

When she was very tiny, we talked about McKenzie's bowel movements quite often.  As new parents, it was amazing how much we cared when she pooped, how much she pooped and what it looked like.  What's really funny was that this kind of talk wasn't really gross; it was just normal, and we talked about it like we might discuss the latest episode of The Office.  After a few months, once we were pretty sure her insides were all functioning correctly, this talk subsided.  Until now.  It's back and better than ever.  Why?
One guess about this picture!

Well, McKenzie will be two this summer and not long after that I hope to start potty training.  To prepare for that, we have to talk about #1 and #2 a lot right now.  Never did I think I would announce my intentions to use the restroom.  Now, I tell McKenzie what I'm about to do and where I'm about to do it.  Those of you with kids hopefully understand that I'm not crazy.  Those of you without kids, at least I can tell you she's learning.  When I tell her what I'm doing, she goes straight to the restroom, opens the lid and tells me to sit "here" in her funny little way of saying that word.  When I'm finished, and sometimes a little prematurely, she flushes for me!  So, I guess all the bathroom talk is working.  I just hope I never have to go in public!


Elaine Welte said...

I have a great 3 day method, that worked well for us (although it still took a full year), but worked in 3 days for others that I know, if you want to read through it. By far, potty training is the most intimidating task a parent could ever go through!

Jenny Jackson said...

This post was funny and scary at the same time! I'm glad you are handling it with such humor!