Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day Lessons

I learned a few things on Valentine's Day this year.  

1.  Just a simple card, painstakingly folded and taped together with a tiny heart sticker by a three year old, is no longer enough to share with classmates.  McKenzie's classmates sent everything from stickers to toys to sizable bags of candy.  I'll know next year to add a little something.  Luckily, McKenzie was so pumped to share her Spiderman cards (Spiderman is her "favorite guy" although she has never seen any kind of Spiderman movie) that she didn't notice that they were lacking.  

Waiting to pass out her cards with Maggie.

2.  Even babies get Valentine goodies.  Annie, who at 1 is the oldest in her class, received a few treats from her classmates.  I didn't even think to send something.  MOTY 2013!

What's a V-Day pic without a little cookie on the chin?!
3.  My kid is awesome.  During her classroom party, McKenzie silenced the entire room and asked to say a prayer.  She had everyone bow their heads and proceeded to say "Annie's prayer."  It was sort of a song and she may or may not have been speaking in tongues.  I made out the word God, but that's about it.  She knows a couple of different dinner time prayers, but this one was straight from the heart.  Although my stomach hurt from trying to contain my laughter, I was so proud that she had the guts to pray in front of everyone.  That's not something I would do now, at 30.  I pray that she maintains her outgoing spirit as she grows.
McKenzie with Mrs. Lewis, who puts up with her silly antics each week!


1 comment:

Morgan Smith said...

so sweet about her insisting on a prayer in the middle of everything. love it!