Friday, January 13, 2012

At Home and Happy

Everyone said it and it was easy to believe, baby number two will be totally different.  So it hasn't been too much of a surprise that Annie's first night at home was actually quite pleasant.  Yes, I was up most of the night trying to nurse a hungry baby, but because I knew that was going to happen, it wasn't too bad.  I'm sure I'll eventually hit the wall with this sleep deprivation thing and it will be EXACTLY like McKenzie's first few days.  But for now, things are going pretty well.

I keep thinking that if McKenzie ever reads through this blog, she's going to think that she was a ton of trouble those first few weeks and her little sister was easy.  For her sake, I want to clarify that idea.  McKenzie's arrival was like a slap in the face... quick, painful and totally unexpected.  I think all first time moms can agree that you just cannot be prepared for the first days of a newborn no matter how many people try to tell you how it's going to be.  McKenzie was a pretty easy baby, but I just was not ready to enjoy her.  I was too busy surviving.

This time, it's more like a playful punch in the arm.  You know it's coming, but you are ready for it and can respond accordingly.  Oh Annie, you're crying?  I got this.  Here's your... diaper, food, swaddle, etc.  You know exactly what to do and those cries don't cause quite the pang in your stomach.  Thankfully, I've been making up for those moments that I didn't get to enjoy McKenzie as a newborn by soaking in her big sister moments.

Oh No!  What is happening?

Getting some photo time with GranCarter

1 comment:

LaLa said...

Kari you are a wonderful mom! You've done such a great job with McKenzie and I know you will do the same with Annie! These moments go by so quickly - enjoy them!