Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friends Always Help

Now that we have pushed through 90% of this move, there are so many things on my mind.  Annie's room needs to get painted, other rooms in the house need to get painted, I need to find some garage sale furniture pieces, pictures need to be hung...

I could go on.  Luckily, I have great friends to take my mind of stuff and help me to just enjoy this great new house and yard and the incredible weather we've had lately.  Spray paint parties with Kelly are not only productive, but loads of fun.  I actually kind of fell backwards when I tried to stand up at one point.  Don't worry, there was never really even a risk of injury, except maybe from laughing too hard.  Picture an egg wobbling and then rolling over.  Now picture my head on that egg and try not to laugh.

Then there are the days when McKenzie has friends over as well.  She and Brinley found a jungle in the backyard and ran through the bushes like little monkeys.  Finn showed her how the little purple shopping cart actually rolls just perfectly down the slide.  And my heart skips a happy beat when I see McKenzie bend down and ask (or demands) to hold baby Harper.  All the while, I get to relax and talk to Kelly, Jennifer and Brittnee about the crazy thing that is motherhood.

Little Annie has a lot to look forward to!
Thinking about everything she needs to do...

And saying "Forget it, let's have fun!"

1 comment:

LaLa said...

Almost a little bit scary to know what she's really cooking up! Gotta love that little mind of hers!