We had some friends over a few weeks ago, and I've been wanting to write this post ever since. Bradley and Jill have Beckett, who is about a year and a half. Kris and Rachel have George, who will be two this February. With the two boys and McKenzie, our evening together was quite different than it might have been say two years ago. At one point, I walked into the living room and there were toys EVERYWHERE. Jill and Rachel were entertaining the boys and Brant was playing with McKenzie. My exact thought was, "Man, our lives are really different."
Everything changed the minute McKenzie arrived. I'll go ahead and say what a lot of parents might not say, but there are times when I miss being a little more carefree. I miss going out to dinner on a whim and sharing a glass of wine with my husband whenever I want. But it never fails. I'll be having one of these nostalgic moments of how easy life used to be and then it hits me: McKenzie's big blue eyes and silly little smile. And I would definitely not trade that in for anything that my life used to be.
And you gotta love that picture.
McKenzie: What's up guys? I'm pretty cute, you know.
Beckett: I'm too cool for you McKenzie. Or you George. Or even this picture.
George: Let me just call in this order of flowers for you, McKenzie.