Saturday, November 14, 2009

Missing McKenzie

It's just after 8am on Saturday. I'm in Nashville and McKenzie is at home with my mom. And I'm a little sad. I'm the only one up right now because I can't figure out how to turn off my baby clock. Brant is snoozing away, so I'll have to ask him for tips! We have had a great weekend so far and it's been good for us to spend some time together and with good friends. Still, I miss McKenzie...

Over the last few weeks, a change has taken place. I have loved McKenzie with every bit of myself since the moment she was born. But recently, I've really started to like her too! She has such a sweet disposition and it's fun to talk to her and play with her. She's quick to smile, especially at her Daddy. She loves to play with random stuff, like empty potato chip bags and the Target ad. She loves the noises those things make as she crunches them in her hands.

I don't know. I guess maybe we've reached the point where things don't seem quite so scary anymore and we can just enjoy having a sweet, little baby. So, we're doing just that. Well, when we get back home on Sunday that is! Miss you little girl!


Elaine Welte said...

That's wonderful that you two are getting away! But, it is hard to turn off that baby clock!!!! Enjoy her, they grow up too fast!

Erin said...

Like I said the other day, it only gets better and better. She'll turn into your littlest best friend! Enjoy it! Now do you see why we're so crazy in the Dees household with ME? :)